Sensual Couples Massage | Cape Town

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Massage therapists for couples massage in Cape Town
TherapistSuburbWed openWed CloseContact
Leigh Flamingo Vlei By appointment By appointment 0786181292
Masseuse Mika Kenilworth 09:00 21:00 0786938953
Kronica Bothasig 09:00 18:00 0743249385
Tee Southern suburbs 09:00 19:00 0681115276
Chandre Southern suburbs 09:00 19:00 0835034217
Kinky Parow 10:00 22:00 0602585375
Karmen Cape Town By appointment By appointment 0788530341
Talent Massage Durbanville 08:30 17:00 0603955498

A couples massage indulges two people at the same time by one or two therapists in one large room. It is a great way to introduce your partner to the therapeutic benefits of a massage if they have not experienced one before.
